Sunday, June 5, 2011

New Tomb Raider Looks AMAZING

A new trailer for the Tomb Raider reboot was released a few days ago; I just watched it yesterday.  Tomb Raider never really interested me, but the images I saw of the new game and the information I heard about it made me want to buy the game.  Now, after seeing the trailer, I realize I HAVE to buy the game.  The entire concept intrigues me greatly, and while some fans are lamenting over Lara Croft's re-design, this may be what the series needs to stay afloat.  Personally, I love the look of the new Lara Croft.  I usually hesitate to call computer-generated characters "beautiful", but Lara Croft is just that.  Gone is the overly-sexualized look of the Lara Croft we all knew before; now, she actually looks like A HUMAN BEING.  I love it.

Here, without further ado, is one of the best trailers I have ever seen:

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