Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sucker Punch Already Working On inFamous 3?

It seems that Sucker Punch, developers of the famed Sly Cooper games on the PS2 and the newly-popular inFamous games on the PS3, are in need of a senior producer for a new video game.  The job description was posted on Gamasutra, and can be found here:

The platform listed is the PS3, so it's yet another PS3-exclusive.  So, here are the facts:

1. inFamous 2 was just released
2. The inFamous games have received good sales and good reviews
3. The new game is NOT Sly 4; that game has already been announced as Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time, and is being developed by Sanzaru Games

So, it must be either inFamous 3, or a new IP.  I'm leaning more towards inFamous 3 at the moment; I haven't played inFamous 2, so I don't know how it ends, but I'm assuming that Cole McGrath still has more ground to cover.

Either way, a new game is coming from Sucker Punch!


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