Friday, June 17, 2011

Daily Video Game Deals, #7 - Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII is hands-down my favorite PSP game of all time, and overall one of the best games I've ever played.  It's not the gameplay that makes it so fantastic, although I still found it fun; rather, it's the world and the story which draws you in like nothing else available on a portable system.  First of all, the graphics are absolutely stunning.  The in-game graphics are great, but the cutscenes are in a league of their own.  Not only do the cutscenes in Crisis Core completely eclipse anything on the PSP and PS2, I would go so far as to say they look better than some PS3 titles.  Yeah, they're THAT AMAZING.  They really help draw you into the game.  I never played the original Final Fantasy VII (heresy, I know), but I basically knew the story of the game, and so I jumped into Crisis Core.  You play as Zack Fair, a SOLDIER, and the original carrier of Cloud Strife's Buster Sword.  If you know what happened in VII, then you know the fate of Zack before you even start the game, and this just makes the experience that much stronger.  I cannot recommend this game enough.

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