Thursday, June 16, 2011

It's A Good Time To Buy Psychonauts

That image you see above is the PC box art of Psychonauts, one of the most criminally overlooked games of the last decade.  It was developed by Tim Schafer and his company Double Fine Productions; it was their first title.  The game was published by Majesco Entertainment, who actually suffered due to Psychonauts' poor sales.  Anyway, Majesco's publishing deals with Double Fine is now void, meaning that buying any NEW copy of Pscyhonauts will send money directly to Tim Schafer and his team.  DO IT.  Unfortunately, the game is hard to find at a decent price, so you'll have to do some digging if you want to get it.  BUT, more money to Double Fine hopefully means more money towards development of Psychonauts 2, which we will hopefully see one day.

Psychonauts was originally released in 2005 for the PC, PS2, and Xbox; in 2007, it was released as part of Xbox Originals on the 360.

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