Monday, June 13, 2011

THQ Closes Studio Responsible For Homefront, But Has Plans For A Homefront 2

THQ has closed down Kaos Studios, the developer of the FPS Homefront, which was released on the PS3, 360, and PC this past March.  THQ's Montreal studio (yeah, I didn't know they had one either) is now going to be responsible for the Homefront franchise.  Yeah... something doesn't fit here.  Homefront sold over a million copies in its first week on sale, and THQ was happy enough with the sales of the new IP that it wanted a sequel; and yet, it fired the people who brought us the original.  Of course... business as usual.  THQ wants a game with better reviews, though (Homefront got pretty mixed reviews); so, we are apparently getting a Homefront 2 that will be vastly different from its predecessor... and supposedly better.

We'll see.


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