Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Redbox Can Now Cure Your Video Game Itch

Redbox, a movie rental company, has now starting renting out video games.  They'll be setting you back $2 a night, which isn't bad at all, and the games themselves are available for the PS3, 360, and the Wii.  No PC love here.

Source: http://stclairshores.patch.com/articles/redbox-kiosks-now-offer-video-game-rentals-13

And look, they're on the website, too:

Looking at the site, it seems they've got a pretty horrible collection, actually.  Not many games at all.  They do, however, have L.A. Noire and inFamous 2, so it's forgivable... for now.  The service itself is relatively new, so I'm sure they'll keep updating their collection of games as time goes on.

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