Thursday, June 9, 2011

Overall Impressions Of E3 2011

It was... not bad.  There were a lot of games I wanted to see in the show, but that I knew wouldn't make it.

1. Final Fantasy Versus XIII (Square Enix)
2. Agent (Rockstar North)
3. Edge of Twilight (Fuzzyeyes Studio)
4. Thief 4 (Eidos Montréal)
5. Grand Theft Auto V (Rockstar North)
6. Star Wars: Battlefront III
7. Beyond Good & Evil 2

Yes, I have two Rockstar games up there even though I know E3 isn't really their thing.  Also, Grand Theft Auto V hasn't been announced, but hey... we all know it's coming.  I'm hoping for another game set in Vice City; the power of the PS3 will just make it come ALIVE.

Anyway, on to stuff that actually happened.  There were actually some neat surprises in the conferences this year.  We all knew Nintendo was coming out with a new console, so that doesn't even count.  Pleasant game surprises include:

1. Halo 4
2. Far Cry 3
3. Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time
4. Luigi's Mansion 2
5. Super Smash Bros. on 3DS and Wii U
6. Lego City Stories

Those are simply listed in the order they were announced (I think).  I'm not really sure if Halo 4 counts as a pleasant surprise, seeing as Bungie isn't on board anymore and Halo 3 was supposed to "finish the fight", but I'm sure Halo fans will find something to be happy about.  The Far Cry 3 trailer was nothing short of extraordinary, so the legions of people that loved the first game and hated the second (damn malaria and twenty-minute long drives between missions) will no doubt be sucked back in to the series.  The fourth iteration of Sly Cooper, while being developed by Sanzaru Games as opposed to Sucker Punch, still looks to retain the look and feel of the original games; also, it was either this or no Sly Cooper at all, so fans have that to remember.  Sucker Punch is busy with inFamous, after all; I'm sure there will be a third one in two years' time.  Luigi's Mansion 2 is something fans of the original were clamoring for, so even though I never played the first game myself, I'm happy for all the fans.  Super Smash Bros. speaks for itself; as I have stated before, Super Smash Bros.Melee was the reason I got a Gamecube, and I wasn't the only one, because it was the best-selling game for the system.  Brawl did even better than its predecessor in the market.  Super Smash Bros. for two systems is ridiculously awesome, although I'm sure they'll pretty much be the same game.  Lastly, Lego City Stories is more of a personal surprise for me, as I never expected Lego to continue with original games; if the game is anything like Lego Island 2, then it will be an under-the-radar hit.

Moving on, the new Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception trailer, along with the demo, dispelled any doubts I had about the game being less awesome than its predecessors.  Uncharted: Golden Abyss looked great as well, really showing off what the Playstation Vita could do.  The Assassin's Creed: Revelations trailer made me very interested, even though I have never played a game in the series.  Lastly, Tomb Raider, a re-boot game of a series I have never been interested in, became a must-buy for me.

For me, these would be the best games of E3:

1. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

2. Uncharted: Golden Abyss

3. Tomb Raider

4. Assassin's Creed: Revelations

5. Far Cry 3

6. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

7. Rayman Origins

8. The Legend of Zelda HD Wii U Tech Demo

And... that's about it for E3.  Not the best coverage in the world, but I tried.  There were many games that weren't included in the press conferences that I didn't even mention, such as The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Rayman Origins.  They had fantastic presentations, however, so I included them on the above list and will cover them in detail at a later date.

If anyone reading has a game they would like me to follow/gather information on, please let me know in the comments section!  Thank you all for reading!

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