Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Daily Video Game Deals, #5 - Star Wars: Battlefront II

Yes, I am doing two of these posts, one right after the other.  Let's make this short: Battlefront II is awesome.  It was one of the friends that I mentioned in the first post who had the PS2, and when he got Battlefront II we all began playing that instead of the first game.  To this day, the game remains one of my top choices for multiplayer; I even bought the original Xbox version for a friend a while back so he could play it on his 360.  The friend with the PS2 actually told me that he preferred the original over the sequel, and after reading some reviews, I see why.  Battlefront II apparently does away with all the strategy of the original, and makes the maps smaller and less enjoyable; according to some reviewers, the epic scale of the first game was greatly diminished in the second.  I never played through the campaign or Galactic Conquest mode, so I wouldn't really have had time to notice it all... I can honestly say, however, that buying this game for multiplayer is worth it.  Battlefront II adds a sprint option, space battles, and playable heroes/villains to the series (all things the first game lacked).  Sprinting is awesome, space battles are awesome, and playable heroes/villains are awesome beyond words.  Essentially, when you kill enough people with a regular soldier, you are presented with the option to play as a hero or villain (depending, of course, on which faction you are playing as).  These are usually Jedi or Sith... but sometimes, they aren't.  The Hero side also includes Han Solo and Princess Leia, two of the most useless characters in any game, EVER.  Don't get me wrong, Han Solo is a great personality, but when he is your Hero and the opposing team has Darth Vader, you are royally screwed.  Of course, if you're good enough you can take down a Hero or a Villain with a regular soldier, so the game doesn't become completely unbalanced.  Also, Chewbacca isn't that bad.  The Villain side, of course, has Jango Fett and Boba Fett (in different game modes), and they can fly around with their jetpacks, which is pretty cool.  The game also limits the time you have with these powerful characters, so you will still spend most of your time as a soldier (these come in many different classes, by the way; I forgot to mention that).  Anyway, the main reason I would get this game is for the Jedi/Sith.  They're amazingly fun to play, and mowing down soldiers who never even see you coming never gets old.  It gets particularly awesome when whoever you are playing against gets access to their own Hero or Villain, and then it's lightsaber vs. lightsaber.  You can use force powers as well (which differ depending on who you are playing as), so that definitely mixes things up.  The Jedi/Sith move faster than anyone else, and can jump ridiculously high, provided that your "Force Bar" is filled up; Yoda can jump five times in a row!

Whew... well, that's enough of that.  If you're a Star Wars fan, and a multiplayer buff, definitely pick this one up.  It's an old game now, but there has yet to be a Star Wars game that can match the sheer fun factor of the Battlefront series.  Here it is:

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