Sunday, June 12, 2011

Star Wars: The Old Republic Has No Day/Night Cycle

Wait... what?  Surely this must be incorrect!  The Old Republic is an MMORPG that has been in development for quite some time now, and it's being developed by Bioware, the people behind 2003's Knights of the Old Republic (as well as both the Mass Effect and Dragon Age series).  It would be hard to imagine that a developer known for its quality products would not put a day/night cycle in an MMORPG, of all things.  And yet... that seems to be exactly the case.  The game can still be awesome, of course, but the lack of a day/night cycle seems like it would detract from the experience.

Also, this news is actually from back in March, but I had never heard of it, so I figured it would be new for some other people as well.

You can find Bioware's short explanation for their decision, along with some angry words from the article's poster, here:

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