Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Wii U Will Not Be Cheap

What have we found out in the past week?  We've found out that the Wii U only supports one Wii U controller, and that controller is supposed to be in the same room as the console if you want to play a game with its screen. Now, we are being told that the Wii U will not be cheap.  More accurately, it will be more expensive that the Wii.  To be honest, that's not saying much, but it seems like the console will be priced at over $300, if you ask me.  The controller itself looks ridiculously expensive, and according to IGN, this could be why each console only supports one.  Honestly, it makes sense.  I've based on the Wii U enough this week, however, so I'll just leave you with the links.


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