Sunday, June 12, 2011

Duke Nukem Forever Getting Some Hilariously Bad Reviews

I kind of feel sorry for Duke Nukem fans.  I played some of Duke Nukem 3D myself, and it was undoubtedly a creative adventure.  The new game, however, doesn't look to be half as good.  Duke Nukem Forever, at the time of this writing, holds platform-specific Metascores of 76 (PC), 62 (PS3), and 50 (360).  If you want to check out the reviews, here they are, for all platforms:

I am inclined to think that some of the more positive reviews are bolstered by the fact that the game has been in development for around fourteen years, and was considered vaporware before it was grabbed by Gearbox Software and set straight on the road to release.  I don't know this for sure, of course; this could be a decent game I'm talking about here.  Critics may even be harsher on the game just because it was an anticipated title for such a long time.  Either way, I'm sure many fans of the series have already decided whether or not to get the game, regardless of its review scores.  Many probably view the title as a piece of nostalgia, and for that purpose it may indeed appease some Duke fans.

UPDATE: According to someone Eurogamer talked to, the game is a lot buggier on the 360 (terrible screen-tearing, frame-rates, etc.), and he says that the PC version is much better, which definitely accounts for its significantly higher Metascore as compared to its console brethren.


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