Friday, June 24, 2011

City of Heroes Going Free To Play

City of Heroes, a game I have been wanting to play since its release, is now going free-to-play.

Hrm... excuse me.


Alrighty, I'm done.

Entitled "City of Heroes: Freedom", the superhero MMORPG will have run on a micro-transaction system.  Have I already mentioned how much I hate that crap?  Yeah, I think I have.  No matter; people need to make money somehow.  Of course, without paying, you'll only have access to a limited number of classes to choose from; that probably goes for powers as well, unfortunately.  Still, the option to play for free is there, and I intend to pounce on the opportunity.  Cryptic Studios, a developer of City of Heroes, also went on to develop Champions Online, a game that has been free-to-play since its launch, but I wasn't interested in it due to its comic-like art style; I've also read through forums which praise City of Heroes over Champions Online.

I'm looking forward to this.  The change will occur later this year, and when it happens, I will post it immediately.


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