Thursday, June 23, 2011

Skyrim Never Runs Out Of Dragons

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is arguably one of the most anticipated titles of 2011, and it's coming this November to many hordes of starved fans who have been avidly anticipating the game since its announcement.  I have never played an Elder Scrolls game myself, but even I have to admit that Skyrim looks great.  According to Bethesda, the developer, Skyrim will feature dragons galore; these dragons, when defeated, will grant the players new powers.  This is all very grand, but what if there were an unlimited amount of dragons?  Apparently, this is actually the case.  Dragon encounters are randomly generated, and it seems they'll be popping up throughout the game.  My question is, how would the game function without a cap on the number of these encounters?  There is the issue of player statistics, after all.  The player can only become so powerful; what purpose, then, would these random dragon encounters serve after the player has reached maximum power?

I sense a major problem here, but then again, I don't fully understand how the game functions.  I suppose we'll have to wait for a comprehensive review to reveal how this all pans out.

Also, not all the dragon encounters are random.  Some are set to appear at specific moments, probably at the end of dungeons and such.  So, there's that.


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