Friday, June 10, 2011

Video of the Week: GREAT JOB JEREMY

I didn't exactly do what I said I would, which was to get a lot of posts in yesterday.  Well, time to stop being lazy.  First off is the third Video of the Week (I try to do them every Friday/Saturday).  This is one I found during E3.  The game being shown off is Medieval Moves: Deadmund's Quest, an upcoming title for the Playstation Move.  I supposed it looks kind of interesting, although the real star in this video is the guy talking to the audience.  He keeps congratulating the guy playing the game for the audience, Jeremy, for the littlest things.  Well, I thought it was amusing; here it is:

Moment of the video:
*monster appears*
"Oh no, a brute!  This guy is a lot tougher than the grunts we've come up against so far!"
*two sword strokes, monster dies*
"Great job, Jeremy."

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