Saturday, June 25, 2011

Google Is Now Dabbling In Video Games

Search engine giant Google is everywhere these days; hell, they're basically taking over the world.  There's a rare area they haven't approached yet, however: gaming.  According to IGN, that's about to change.  They report that Google is set on developing its own platform, and is looking for a Product Manager.  Would you buy a Google console?  The thought itself of a gaming platform made by Google is just... eerie.  Also, Google is powerful as all hell, and definitely a giant in its own right, but how will it be able to compete with the giants of gaming?  Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo dominate the industry, and I don't see anyone breaking that triumvirate anytime soon.

Either way, it will be fascinating to see how this all pans out.  Also, it should be noted that nowhere in the actual job description (link posted below) does it mentioned an actual platform/console of any sort; I guess that's just IGN's hypothesis.  The project is simply called "Games at Google"; I'll be following this up once some concrete information emerges.


Job description:

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