Saturday, February 19, 2011

True Crime Canceled, Guitar Hero Canned

First of all, this is old news by a few days, but I realized I haven't posted about it, so there we go.  Activision has canceled the True Crime reboot (which I was really looking forward too, by the way, as I enjoyed the first game), and to everyone's surprise, apparently done away with their Guitar Hero and DJ Hero series.  Can't really say I care about those; maybe now people will actually decide they want to learn how to play an instrument; you know, in REALITY.

Well, that's okay, Activision.   You just do away with potentially awesome games like True Crime and lean on games like Call of Duty and Spider-Man 2 for the PC... hell yeah, I remember that, and I'm still angry.

 Well, here's the scoop:

UPDATE: Apparently, the Tony Hawk series has been canceled as well.  Go figure.

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