Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Michael Phelps Has a Game Coming Out for Kinect... Yes, Really

Michael Phelps is arguably one of the better-known athletes in the sporting world.  He has gotten so famous, in fact, that he now has his own video game, entitled Michael Phelps: Push the Limit.

Am I the only one wondering how in the hell one is supposed to play this?  A swimming game... really???

The title is said to "help players learn advanced swimming techniques".  As an experienced swimmer myself, I have no idea how 505 Games plans to accomplish this, and teach players anything REAL.  In my opinion, the only way to learn proper form and stroke is to get in the water and practice.

Advanced swimming techniques won't help you if you're not at a level where you can use them in the first place.

As you all can probably tell, this game ticks me off; I believe it's an unnecessary move on the part of Michael Phelps, who shouldn't need any more money, and that it makes light of the sport of swimming, which requires a HUGE amount of work and dedication.  At the very least, it should be extremely amusing to watch people play this game and flail around like lunatics.

You can read about the announcement here:

And here's the trailer:

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