Monday, July 18, 2011


Yes, I have returned to blogging.  No, I can not express how angry I am right now.

Capcom has lost all dignity with this one; unless they restore this project, they will never have my money again.

If you're a Capcom Unity member, please Vote Up the Megaman Legends 3 comments here:

If you're not a Unity member, please sign up and defend this game if you're a fan!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Crysis Coming To Consoles

Remember Crysis?  No, not the one set in New York.  The original one; the one set in the jungle, which blew people away with its amazing graphics (you know, if you managed to get it to run on your computer).  Well, that game may be coming to consoles, according to a listing on the Korean Ratings Board.  Apparently, the listing is only for the 360, so while a PS3 version makes sense, it has yet to be seen.

I wonder how Crysis will port to the 360; the graphics will probably only be as good as the "medium" settings on the PC.... but at least 360 owners will be able to experience the superior gameplay of the original Crysis.


Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Well, will you look at that!  It seems that not only did I not completely imagine the existence of I Am Alive, but the game may actually release sometime this century!  HOLY SHIT!  Earlier today, I Am Alive was given a rating of MA 15+ by the Australian Classification Board, which means that it must actually be in development!  FUCK YEAH!  Anyway, there was a point at which the game was thought to be converted to a downloadable title as opposed to a full retail game, but this was later revealed to be a hoax.  Eurogamer still has the release window printed as "2011", which I HIGHLY doubt, but whatever.  Miracles happen.  Sometimes.

Anyway, here is the ratings page (a.k.a. proof of existence) for the game:

And here's the story:

On a side note, I apologize for all the swear words.  I just felt like it; we all have our days.  Anyway, I am actually looking forward to this game, and have been for quite a while.  The premise itself intrigues me.  Survival without horror?  Count me in.  Hopefully, Ubisoft Shanghai can deliver the goods.

Here's Some Video Of Gotham City Imposters

Gotham City Imposters is a FPS set in the Batman universe.  Wait... what?

Apparently, one side has players as Batman impersonators and the other side has players as Joker impersonators; these are all fakes, though.  Nobody is actually playing as Batman or Joker.  I personally think the game is just an attempt to cash in on the Batman license; seeing the game in action didn't really help.  The guy in the walkthrough (see: source link) says that the game has an "unprecedented amount of customization"... that's nice, but I was watching the game in action as he was saying this, and I didn't see anything special.  BUT... of course, I haven't played the game, so it might be the funnest thing in the world for all I know.  We'll find out when the game hits XBLA and PSN in the early part of 2012.  

Also, in addition to the walkthrough in the source link, I found more gameplay on YouTube.  At the very least, the levels look creative:


WarDevil Canceled... Again

It's been almost a month since I posted about the happenings of WarDevil.  Now, it seems that the game has been canceled yet again.  Here's a brief history of WarDevil:

1. Announced in 2004 as an exclusive for the as-of-yet-unnamed Xbox 360
2. Announced again in 2005, this time as a PS3 exclusive
3. Later changed; set to be released on BOTH consoles
4. Canceled!
5. Brought back to life under the name "Project Kane"
6. Canceled!  Again!

Hooray!  And there you have it.  So, I guess the game is officially "dead" for now... unless, that is, another developer decides to pick up the project.


AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  Okay, we all had a good laugh there.  This game is pretty much gone forever.


Monday, June 27, 2011

Slow News Day

Yup... not much going on today.  This probably applies to the entire month of June, as E3 just passed us by; this probably means we won't get any interesting game announcements for a little while.  I'm hoping Rockstar will reveal Grand Theft Auto V soon, but we've probably got to wait a little while longer for that.  Does anybody remember how when and how GTA IV was announced?  I don't.  I'll have to look that up and search for some patterns...

Crysis 2 Now Has DirectX 11 Support

Crytek has released a patch for Crysis 2 that will make the graphics up-to-par with the initial expectations of the game.  It can't fix the gameplay, which many people felt was far inferior to the original Crysis, but it will at least make the game look pretty.  In fact, with the patch Crysis 2 supposedly looks even better than Crysis does, which means that once again gamers will need a supercomputer and a graphics card from Atlantis to get the game to run.  The patch is 2.32 GB, which, aside from a few bug fixes, seems to be pretty much all graphics.  You can read the full list of features, as well as find links to the 1.9 update (which you need to get first) and the new patch, in the source link.
