Saturday, June 4, 2011

Wii Successor Set For E3 Reveal

Okay, so this is old news; we've known this for months.  I never covered it, however (I was gone), so maybe somebody who isn't that active on the internet will find this news new.

Anyway, apparently information was leaked to Game Informer about a Wii 2, and so the web exploded with buzz.  Nintendo has now actually confirmed that a new console is set to debut at E3 this year, but everything else is just rumor at this point.  The console has been codenamed "Project Cafe", and is said to feature a more powerful graphics processor than either the PS3 or the 360, a touchscreen on the controller, backwards compatibility with Wii games, and other crazy features.  Word is its official name will be the "Nintendo Stream"; hopefully this is true, because that sounds WAY cooler than "Wii".

Here's a cool list I find with rumors and details:

Rumor has it that The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword will also be a title for this new console.  This is very feasible; after all, they did pull the same thing off with Twilight Princess (although I still got the Gamecube version, ahaha).  Anyway, if I had to hazard a guess, I would say that Skyward Sword will most definitely be released on both the Wii and the Stream.

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