Wednesday, June 8, 2011

On The Wii U

Nintendo's got a new console coming out!  Interestingly, the games shown in the "Line-Up" trailer (posted previously) contain footage from the PS3/360 versions of the games, NOT the Wii U version.  NICE.  The explanation is that work on the console has not progressed sufficiently enough to allow full development of commercial games to commence... or something like that.  The only real footage we have seen of something running on Nintendo's new console, then, is the Legend of Zelda concept (also posted previously) and this:

I feel like reception of the Wii U at Nintendo's conference was generally positive; of course, while everyone else was gawking at the ridiculously awesome controller, I was busy gawking at the ridiculously horrendous name.  "Wii U"?  Really?  That's just my personal opinion, of course; back when the Wii came out, I nearly fell off my chair when it was revealed that instead of the powerful-sounding "Nintendo Revolution", they had decided to call their console the "Nintendo Wii".  Of course, with a name like "Revolution", a console should be at least as powerful as its competitors (plus the Wii was geared towards casual gamers), so in the end the final name was more fitted for it.

Okay, random rants are over now.  It is safe to continue reading.

The Wii U presents many new possibilities for game developers.  The controller itself provides a wide variety of ways to play, and there will undoubtedly be many games that take advantage of this.  There is not much yet to even judge of the console, as we have yet to see any real game footage running on it.  I will say however, that the Legend of Zelda concept looked VERY good (watch it in the previous post).

Well, that's all I have for today.  I apologize for the lack of news; many posts to come tomorrow, as well as the promised videos of the games shown at the conferences.

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