Thursday, June 2, 2011

Darksiders II Trades War For Death

It was already known that a sequel to Darksiders was in development and would see release sometime in 2012. What wasn't known was, well... everything else.

It has now been revealed that Darksiders II will star the Horseman Death, drawn below (back when the first game was released):

Joe Madureira, the artist behind the world of Darksiders, revealed drawings of all Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse back before the first game was released, even though the only Horseman to actually appear in the game was War.  Anyway, the drawings can be found here:

Anyway, here is Death in all his glory, on the cover of the July edition of Game Informer:

Darksiders II is said to feature a larger world, better customization, and more epic-ness than its predecessor.

Here's the full article:

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