Friday, January 21, 2011

Favorite Series

First real post!

I'll be starting out with basic stuff, since I'm the only one here right now anyway.

Now, Naughty Dog's Uncharted series has garnered critical acclaim, with the majority of the video game populace in agreement.  There are many people, however, who do not understand the fame this series has generated, and believe it to be highly overrated.  I'll let you all stick to your own opinions, but in mine, the Uncharted games are among the best I have ever played in my life.

Critics cite the uninspired gameplay as the main source of detraction from the experience.  Personally, I find it fun and engaging, but I would agree with the opinion that it's nothing particularly original; it is, however, undoubtedly done well.  The Uncharted games have been compared to movies, and in essence this was Naughty Dog's intention: to put you in the center of the action.  It's as much of an interactive experience as it is a generic third-person shooter, and it's when all the elements come together that one truly begins to understand how wondrous Drake's world really.  Aside from the gameplay and interactive nature of the games, there are also two more aspects that must not be forgotten: story and characters.  I won't say much about the story, so as not to give anything away to those PS3 owners who have yet to play the games, but I personally loved them; I thought they were well thought-out and engaging, with twists and turns that are worth the price of admission.  What truly makes the experience worth it, though, are the characters.  Perhaps I just haven't read the correct reviews, but never have I heard a complaint about any of the characters in the Uncharted series.  Nathan Drake is the kind of guy you'd want to hang out with, for sure.  What makes him so great is that he's just a guy with a gun; aside from his inexplicably amazing climbing skills, there is nothing extraordinary about him at all.  It's refreshing to play as a man who can't shoot lasers out of his eyes or crush stones with his hands, and who can be easily described as reckless and irresponsible; yet, he is incredibly lovable, and there is never any doubt that he is good-natured.  Over the course of the game the player hears him lament over yet another wall he has to scale, or in general about the ridiculous situation he has managed to get himself into.  It doesn't hurt that the entire script is extremely well-written, and the voice acting is top notch.  At times, while playing the Uncharted games, I realized that they were worth my money just because of the character interactions.  It sounds silly, I know, but that's how great the entire cast of characters is.  I could ramble on about Elena, or Sully, or even Chloe, but I'm not going to because if anyone at all is reading this, I've wasted enough of your time already.

So there we have it.  The Uncharted series is my favorite video game series, and although it makes me sound just like every other fanboy out there, I stand by it.

Anybody who's dropping by, feel free to post your own favorite video game series in the comments!  I would love to gain some perspective on who plays what, and why.

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