Wednesday, February 2, 2011

There Is Now a LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean Game

After the cancellation of Armada of the Damned (, a new Pirates of the Caribbean game has been announced.  There were rumors abound, and many knew it was going to happen, but now it's official: the series is the next to take the leap into LEGO-ization.

You can watch the teaser here:

This game has the potential to be pretty good.  I was more excited about Armada of the Damned, as I was a big fan of the original Pirates of the Caribbean game for PC (the one released in 2003; that's right, the one you've never heard of) but I guess this turnout isn't too bad.  Also, I didn't realize that Traveller's Tales, the developers behind the new game, had changed their logo... the original was much better, in my opinion.  Here it is:

Awesome, isn't it?  In retrospect, it's probably the greatest single logo I have ever seen.  Why they would change it, I have no idea.

Anyway, the consistent stream of franchises turned into LEGO games that we've been getting bothers me.  Why?  I'll tell you why: because I love LEGO Island 2.  That game is one of my absolute favorites, and I really, REALLY want a sequel in the same vein.  Make it happen, Silicon Dreams.

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